These days I am thinking a lot about the purpose of life. The more I think more I realize that actually life is purposeless. There is nothing like the purpose or destination of life. There is nothing predetermined thing or the thing what we say as fate
. The course of Life depends upon circumstances. It is not shaped by any fate, its only result of chances and the different decisions which we make at different point of life. In Fightclub there is one dialogue that BradPitt says to Edward Norton Losing all hopes is freedom. That thing really stuck me that actually hoping and expectation are real reason of all frustration. I started thinking that why actually I am unhappy when I can easily fulfill my all minimum or sufficient requirements, I couldn’t find the reason of my unhappiness. This type of unhappiness is more dangerous because for unhappiness aroused due to unfulfilment of something has remedy but in my case I was not able to figure out the source of my unhappiness. I think that I am unhappy only because I am not happy. Now the thing is, is there anything between happy or unhappy? I mean what is the state when we are nor happy neither unhappy. When I was pondering on this then I start thinking about what actually meant by Nirvana or enlightenment. What actually someone meant that he is above sadness or happiness? What is that state where emotion does not affect you? In quest of that search I read a lot of literature related to that. In Osho’s discourse of philosophy, it was said in that state we feel ‘anand’ .The general English word for this is happiness but he said it’s not exactly happiness because this state is beyond emotions. It is state of complete zero when person loses everything even his being or awareness of being. It’s the same state where people reach by meditation .Well I got confused and couldn’t make out anything out of these heavy theories. My problem is very simple that how one can keep himself happy. One thing that I am sure that for me the purpose of life is to be happy and to remain in peace. I really agree with all romantics philosopher that life is to be enjoyed .So now my search is narrowed down to the search of means of enjoyment. I don’t want to get entangle in complex theories of Nirvana or other things. I don’t believe that our future is already decided. I believe that our future is in our hand so it is we who decide how we gonna live our life. So from today onward I will try to find means which can really make me happy.